Solar projects are a driver of economic development. They don’t require any county resources, yet they produce a substantial amount of tax revenue. Likewise, solar leases can provide a steady source of income for local farmers.

The project also creates jobs and generates substantial economic activity in the project area. And of course, as a community uses energy, they have an interest in ensuring it is produced cleanly and affordably.

Project site

Low to the Ground & Screened by Trees

Part of project planning is minimizing visual impacts. The average height of a solar panel is less than 10 feet. With increased buffers and screening with mature vegetation, the project will have minimal visual impacts.

Minimal Visual Impact

The Potential of Solar

Quiet Neighbors

Why Knox County

Similar to the Noise of a Babbling Brook

Solar farms are quiet neighbors. At the fence line, the sound from the onsite inverters is a minor hum – equivalent to the sound of a brook. Further offsite, no noise can be heard.

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Ag Landowners Benefit from Solar Farm Leases

Landowners receive lease payments over the life of the project, estimated at more than 35 years.. This steady income helps avoid the fluctuations of the market and weather impacts and can be a lifeline for local farmers by helping them keep the remainder of their land in production.

Property Values

Our Project Benefits


About Origis

Guaranteed to Restore Property to Natural State

At the end of the project's useful life there is a decommission plan to return the property to its natural state. The plan is guaranteed by assurance bonds.

Significant Benefits for the Local Economy

The Wheatland project will provide $2.5 million in cumulative payments in lieu of taxes to the county over the first 6 years of operation and full yearly property taxes after the ten year abatement period, The project will create 200-240 construction jobs and 7-15 permanent jobs, and local businesses will also benefit from local spending during development and operation.

Community Benefits

About Origis

Fact Booklet

About Origis

Download our Fact Booklet

Click below to download a fact booklet we developed to share more information about our project and its benefits with the community.
