Project sites are carefully and throughfully chosen. Origis solar projects are located near existing energy infrastructure and where they can best benefit the electric grid.

We take into consideration the area’s solar resources, consider our potential environmental impacts, knowing we must find landowners who will benefit from selling or leasing their land for the life of the project.

Through careful planning and site engineering solar facilities make good neighbors.

The Origis Approach to Siting

1Solar Resources

There needs to be an electric demand and an interest in purchasing solar energy. Much of the demand in the Midwest is driven by the region’s state renewable energy portfolio standards. Even in Indiana where the standard is voluntary, there remains ample demand, including CenterPoint’s commitment to expanding its supply of renewable energy.


We don’t just look a traditional sunny climate like Florida and California. In fact, Indiana also has significant sun resources - much of the same sun that helps the local agriculture industry. Knox County is in the part of the state with the greatest solar resource.

3Energy Infrastructure

Knox County is in proximity to major electric transmission lines. The site location also has access to existing transmission lines.

4Environmental Evaluation

We must avoid wetlands, protected and endangered species habitats and any other areas of environmental concerns. This helps us narrow down to a preferred area on the community - we need to identify large parcels that would be suitable for the project.

5Eager Property Owners

Then we start the process of talking with large local landowners to identify who is eager to lease their property.